Making a complaint

Not happy? We take your feedback seriously. If you have a complaint, please tell us all about it by:


Email and include your name, your mobile number and a short description of what you believe has gone wrong, including any relevant details such as the date, the product, the store, the team member etc.


If you don't have access to a computer, you can send us a letter to:

The Feedback Team
Warehouse Mobile
PO Box 8355, Symonds St

Again, include your name, your mobile number, an email address, and a description of your complaint, including any relevant details.


Or you can call us on 800 from mobile, or 0800 284 800 from a landline.

What happens then?

We'll will reply in 5 working days, aiming to resolve the problem within 20 working days. Sometimes things take a little longer but we will make sure we keep you involved in what is going on.

What if I'm still not happy?

You can contact Telecommunication Dispute Resolution (TDR). The TDR is an industry-wide service that sets the standard for customer complaints. It won't cost you anything to do this, and the TDR will work with you, and us, to try to resolve the problem. For more information on the TDR see

Please note: all complaints must be registered with Warehouse Mobile first before you can refer you complaint to the TDR.

Stop Spam Texts

Getting annoying commercial style texts from businesses or individuals who don't have your permission to send them? Then you can report them to the Department of Internal Affairs' Anti Spam Compliance Unit who will investigate on your behalf. It will take only a few minutes to register your complaint.

To make a complaint about unsolicited commercial texts simply:

1. Forward the text to the free short code SPAM (7726)
2. You'll receive a text message containing a link with a reference ID number unique to the complaint.
3. Visit the mobile site here to finish making your complaint.

Please note that the second step is optional, your complaint will be investigated even if you don't supply additional information, however any details you can provide will be helpful to investigators.

This service is for reporting commercial unsolicited text messages only and is managed by the Department of Internal Affairs (not Warehouse Mobile). If you are getting personal unsolicited texts or bully texts from an individual, here's what you need to do to make a complaint.

If you want to unsubscribe from marketing messages from Warehouse Mobile, simply text STOP to 801 or update your personal preferences in My Warehouse Mobile.


Start typing the name of the country you're looking for.


Can I call a satellite phone?
You can call or text people with satellite phones, these rates are:

Satellite Calls




$12.00 a min

$2.00 per text


$12.00 a min

$2.00 per text

Roaming rates

Start typing the name of the country you're looking for.


Calls: are per minute (part mins are rounded up to the nearest minute).

Text : are per text.

Data charges are rounded up to the nearest 8kb then rounded to the nearest full cent. Minimum 1c charge per session.

If the country you're looking for is not listed you may not currently be able to use your Warehouse Mobile there. This list can change, so check back the next time you travel.

Topping Up

It's best to top up with plenty of credit to see you through your trip, but if you need to top up abroad you can top up online with your credit card through My Warehouse Mobile, or call +64 284 800 800 to do it over the phone. Roaming calls to this number will be charged as per the rates shown in the table.

Connection issues?

Set your network mode to 'Auto'. If you're experiencing connection issues then make sure your Network search mode is on 'Auto' which is found under 'Settings' and then 'Network' on your phone (or 'Carrier' on iPhones). If this doesn't fix the issue, then remove your phone battery (iPhone users power off) for 1 minute if you still can't connect.

The USA or Canada can be a little different

North American mobile networks run on 850MHz and 1900MHz, so check your phone will run on one of these before you hop on the plane.

Calling Customer Care or your voicemail whilst overseas is charged on a per-minute basis like any other international call.

Want to access Voicemail abroad?

What if Voicemail doesn't work abroad?

Please note not all overseas carriers will support voicemail/call forwarding. To cancel call forwarding simply dial ##004#. Your message service will then operate as normal when you arrive back in New Zealand without incurring any cost.

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Signal issues - I’ve got a SIM and can’t get any mobile signal?
Top tips for maximising coverage and speed
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Can I call a satellite phone?
Want to access Voicemail abroad?
What if voicemail doesn’t work abroad?
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