Premium text

What they are?

Premium Text services are offered by a number of independent content providers in New Zealand and overseas.

Premium text services are used to vote on TV shows, enter competitions, buy ringtones/wallpapers and a variety of other things delivered to your mobile. Generally, any number you see advertised that has three or four digits is a Premium Text number and will be priced differently.

The cost for using a Premium Text service should always be made clear in the advert.

Who provides them?

Premium Text services are managed by other companies and Warehouse Mobile will ensure they comply with our strict content standards, but doesn’t accept any additional responsibility for them

Here's a list of all the Premium Messaging Partners and services that we currently support.

How to stop them

All Premium Text services can be stopped by you at any time, by replying to the message you receive with the word 'STOP'. If you continue to receive the content after you have sent the 'STOP' message, then get in touch with the relevant content provider.

Make sure you know what you are signing up for

Before you send a text to a Premium Text number (usually 3 or 4 digits) make sure you understand what you are signing up to and what it is going to cost, and any potential ongoing cost, as some premium text services offer a subscription, some offer a one-off service.

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