IMPORTANT: We are enhancing our Mobile Voicemail Service from 17 Oct 24. Any saved messages will not carry over. Please save important messages elsewhere. Read more here.


Voicemail is free within New Zealand. Calling rates to mobiles will apply if you are using a landline or calling from other another providers mobile (if calling from another phone you will have to enter your Voicemail PIN to enter).

To access Voicemail

Call 808 from your Warehouse Mobile mobile in NZ
Call 0284 808 808 from any landline or mobile in NZ
Call +64 284 808 808 if you are overseas

Want to access Voicemail abroad?

You can call voicemail from overseas on +64 284 808 808

Voicemail is turned off by default for roaming overseas.

Make sure you set up your voicemail pin before leaving NZ.
To turn it on whilst abroad you need to turn it on when you arrive at your destination, here are a few simple steps to set up voicemail /call forwarding:

Additional charges will be incurred when using conditional call forwarding to voicemail while overseas. This will include a charge for receiving a call and also for making a call back to voicemail.

If you would prefer you can divert all calls to voicemail to avoid any extra charges while roaming. To do this use the "Divert All' menu item on your mobile, call +64284808806. Then all calls will be automatically sent to voicemail.

What if Voicemail doesn't work abroad?

Please note not all overseas carriers will support voicemail/call forwarding. To cancel call forwarding simply dial ##004#. Your message service will then operate as normal when you arrive back in New Zealand without incurring any cost.

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